Honda City Sport Team |
Honda city sport one is the one of most favourite motorcycles in indonesia, the character engine is as same as Honda CBR 125. Honda cs1 built for speed with some advantage like comfort with soft handling, speed with high compression in combustion chamber and action with high stability frame of the bike.
HCST is a club for riders and owners of Honda motorcycles City Sport 1. This is the first CS1 club formed by several owners of Honda CS1 that we call cysers (City Sports Evolutionary Riders) who belong to the mailing list and cyber world forum from several regions in Indonesia. The founders, directly and indirectly, are cysers who come from Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Semarang, Yogya, Solo, Kalimantan and Sulawesi with 34 cysers all over Indonesia.
This club was founded as a gathering place for the members and to help owners and riders of Honda CS1 motorcycle Indonesia in terms of product information and technological development of Honda CS1 as a new 2008 variant from Honda motor manufacturer.
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Hcst Indonesia 13th Warrior Founder |
At present HCST already have 57 chapters in various cities in Indonesia which are officially located in YOGYAKARTA, BANDUNG, SEMARANG, MAKASSAR, SURABAYA, BANJARMASIN, SOLO and many more. And there is always a possibility that HCST will appear in other cities in line with the growth in Honda CS1 owners in Indonesia.
Vision and Mission of HCST
To become a communication and information media for fellow HONDA CS1 riders particularly and two-wheeled vehicles riders in general to develop togethernessw and brotherhood by appreciating the diversity and differences, through positive activities that provide added value for its members.
- To create a smart and caring community and to provide benefit to all the members and community in general.
- To instill the importance of ethics, safety and security in riding for all cysers in particular and the community in general.
- To unite and direct the desire and wants of cysers, in positive activities under HCST.
- To develop and increase automotive technical knowledge particularly on two-wheeled vehicles from HCST members.
- To provide contribution to Honda factory and to parties jointly working with HCST in order to campaign the activity programs that are non-profit/education and commercial in nature.
mantap nih lanjutkan om hendra
ReplyDeleteyup. Share link kami om. Di blog HCSTI Bogor.yup. Share link kami om. Di blog HCSTI Bogor.
ReplyDeleteOm saya mau daftar HCSTI kota bogor
DeleteRalat mas Bro utk founder HCST:
ReplyDeleteyg betul adalah:
1. Vhuda (Jkt)
2. temny Ario (Jkt)
3. Oscar Lesmana ( Jkt)
4. Indra Irawan/Drenti (Jkt)
5. Achmad Harir/ Gonner (Jkt)
6. Wawor Adhi (Solo)
7. Riswan Ginting ( Jkt)
8. Handy Purnawan/Ndip (Bks)
9. Harta Sutanto/Harta Tai (Jkt)
10. Bagus Rully ( Bdg)
11.Marasuta Lubis/ Ucok (Sby)
12. Nico Poundra ( Palembang)
13. Taufik Rizal/ Narada (Jkt)
Permisi om ,saya berniiat gabuung om ,untuk chapter Solo (Surakarta) ada kontak penanggung jwb nya tdk om ? Saya sudah coba regristasi blm ada konfirmasi ,terimakasih
Deletejempol buat ci botak..!
Deletemas bro, mw gabung ne...boleh ga?
udah registrasi tp ga ada konrimasinya.
DOmisili dimana mas bro?
ReplyDeleteuntuk area pekanbaru ada dimana jika ingin bergabung,mas bro??thx
ReplyDeletemas bro..cs1 gw koq klo buat ngerem gak pakem ya...pake apa ya biar pakem kaya satria FU
ReplyDeletecs 1 chapter lombok ada gak? Aq mw gbung.
ReplyDeletemas ... untuk kota medan ada gk
ReplyDeletemas bro,mau tanya.klo CS1 chapter bogor ada ga?lokasi dimananya?klo mau gabung,apa aja syarat2nya.thanx.
ReplyDeleteada bro kontek ane aja 081362701378
Deletemas bro mau tanya donk...klo cs1 chapter semarang ada ga..?lokasi dmna...?aku mau ikut gabung..
ReplyDeletemas bro. . nanya bengkel di jogja yg khusus cs1 dmn yah. . cs1 ane bermasalah ni ma radiator n oli ny bocor2. . ke ahass malah sama aja
ReplyDeletemas bro mw tanya ada gak cs1 chapter blitar,aku mw gabung
ReplyDeletegan hcst indonesia yg daerah solo (surakarta) ada ga gan ?
ReplyDeletereply ya. makasi :D
aku mau gabung hcst surabaya tepatnya daerah mana??
ReplyDeletehcst never die
ReplyDeleteMohon Info dimana untuk saya bisa mendapatkan update informasi mengenai kegiatan HCST Chapter Tangerang. Tks
ReplyDeleteIkutan donk ."̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ (ˆˆړ) ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮
ReplyDeletebuat tanjung pinang kepri ad ngk???
ReplyDeleteKalau mau gabung ke HCST chapter Jakarta kontak ke siapa ya?
ReplyDeleteaada yang tau gambar diagram blok speedometer cs1??
soalnya ane mau bongkar ne speedo..
Mas bro , sy mau jual cs 1 saya nih plat nya DK-Denpasar ....mau jual cepat aja nih , 5jt aja....klo ada yg minat bs hub ke 02197607117 , posisi mtr di jaksel , tahun pembuatan 2009 , warna hitam , surat lengkap , mulus , tangan pertama , blom pernah tabrakan...maaf klo salah trit mohon dimaaf kan , tks
ReplyDeleteTks brother , motor sdh sold...
DeleteOm mau gabung dong,domisili ane ditangerang . udah regist blm ada kofirmasi . 08996536360 ini nmr telp ane om,minta bantuan bagaimana gabungnya terima kasih
ReplyDeleteblog ini masi aktiv kan? ane mau gabung nih..
ReplyDeleteklub masih aktif gak mas2
ReplyDeleteklub masih aktif gak mas2
ReplyDeleteBagi yg btuh sparepart cs1,sonic,cbr ato upgrade mesin cs1 dohc , yg domisili surabaya bisa cod, yg jauh bisa kirim2.. Invite 766ea9e8 nope 085730205655 .mas didik..
ReplyDeleteMinta solusi dong bro. Motor cs 1 saya klo dibawa diatas kecepatan 50 km/jam. Ada bunyi gesekan dengan blok mesin. Mohon bantuannya bro.
ReplyDeleteYg mau gabung ke tangerang dateng aja ke puspem tangerang kota.
ReplyDeleteYg tau dmn beli cover engine atau custom kasi info doong...
ReplyDeleteGan saya dah lama banget pake cs 1 niatnya mau di modif brp ya kira2 biayanya?? dan untuk bengkel modif yang bagus dan murah di tangerang selatan dmn ya??
ReplyDeletePermisi om ,saya berniiat gabuung om ,untuk chapter Solo (Surakarta) ada kontak penanggung jwb nya tdk om ? Saya sudah coba regristasi blm ada konfirmasi ,terimakasih
ReplyDeleteChapter Medan ad gak bro ? Tq
ReplyDeleteMantapp jaya terus HCST indonesia.CYSERS SALUTE
ReplyDeleteSalam dari HCST chapter bogor
ReplyDeleteOm kalau mau gabung HCST Jakarta dimana om? Gimana cara gabungnya
ReplyDeleteOm kalau mau gabung HCST Jakarta dimana om? Gimana cara gabungnya
ReplyDeleteOm kalau mau gabung HCST Jakarta dimana om? Gimana cara gabungnya