Honda CS1 comes from the words of CITY, SPORT, and the 1st. It is new models in an attractive design come with a more daring performance, with advanced design, features, and technology, for youngster/young soul who wants to look different. It is equipped with hi-tech, durable and powerful engine, which appear extremely Stylish, firm, comfort riding with sporty characteristic, which make Honda CS1 looks different than the others.
Honda CS1 is environmental friendly which comply with Euro 2 that applied by the government, it uses 4 stroke 125 cc vertical engine, SOHC, equipped with Liquid cooled Radiator, which proven to be tough, durable, powerful, and responsive, which make Honda CS1 as the trendsetter of motorcycle that suitable for city ride and comfortable for daily use for the youngster/young soul who has style, active, and love to be center of attention.
Honda CS1 is designed as a motorcycle that has maximum comfort but agile at the same time, either for single riding or with passenger, also equipped with features that consider the safety aspects. It is Honda technology with quality and advanced in every Honda CS1 features, gives comfort, safety and satisfaction in riding, which make this motorcycle as a vehicle to rely on.
Honda CS1 equipped with advanced features, such as:
1. Advanced Styling Design
* Head Light; Sporty head light design, multi reflector and has 2 (two) bulbs.
* Tail Light; Sporty and sharp design. Equipped with clear lens and multi reflector.
* Aerodynamic Sport Visor; Modern and futuristic, as in the style of big motorcycle.
* Casting Wheel; With 5 dynamic spokes in sporty characteristic and macho.
* Sporty Muffler; New racing design, to strengthen sporty characteristic.
* Mono Suspension; Monoshock model with racing style, in the style of sport motorcycle, compact and stable.
* Double Disc Brake; Front and rear disc brake equipped with double piston on the front brake and single piston on the rear brake, looks sporty and steady in braking.
* Rear Grip; Split model in the style of big motorcycle, looks tough, sporty and functional.
* Double Seat; Hip-up design with sporty and luxurious style.
* Inner Center Body-Mounted Console Box; It is the first to be applied on motorcycle, multifunction console box that mounted in the body design.
* Fully Digitized Meter; It is the pioneer of fully digitized speedometer panel in Indonesia, futuristic, complete, and easy reading electronic instrument panel design.
* Steering Handle; New design appearance in Sport touring style equipped with panel or switch control that informative and easy to operate.
2. Hi-Tech Powerfull & Responsive Engine
* Engine; 125 cc engine capacity, SOHC, 4 stroke, powerful, and responsive. Liquid cooled; Equipped with Liquid cooled Radiator equipped with cooling fan.
* Manual Clutch; Manual gear shifting.
* 5 Speed Transmission; The engine has 5 speed transmission, the same with sport type (1-N-2-3-4-5).
* Primary Engine Balancer; Equipped with Primary Engine Balancer to eliminate uncomfort engine vibration.
* CV (Constant Velocity) Carburetor; Carburetor that use the vacuum system to make the fuel and air ratio more constant.
* ACV (Air Cut Valve) Carburetor; Controlling air supply inlet when the throttle lever turned in a “closed” direction during high speed to prevent afterburn in the exhaust muffler.
3. Riding Comfort & Agile
* Comfortable Riding Position (Triangle Riding Position); Comfortable and ergonomic riding position based on the interaction of “Hand position – seat position – foot position”, which is suitable to use in the middle of heavy traffic in the city.
* Steering Position; Steering position bend inward with futuristic design and looks different from others.
* Caster Angle and Trial Length; Steering configuration bend inward in sporty style, with 25° caster angle and 80 mm trial length, it is easy handling and gives riding comfort.
* Seat Position; Hip-up seat model that made from quality material, gives comfort to the rider and passenger.
* Frame; Body frame design in Twin Tube type, firm, stable, and suitable with sporty characteristic motorcycle design and engine.
* Swing Arm; Swing arm in square pipe type, in the style of sporty model.
Honda CS-1 will has 4 (four) colors, which are Cosmic Black, Lightning Silver, Burning Red, Hornet Gold.
Saya punya CS1 2008 domisili di kota Indramayu Jabar, ingin tanya dimana kalau saya butuh suku cadang motor saya ?
ReplyDeleteBrad, untuk part cs1 bisa pake tiger, megapro, bahkan supra, punya saya plat kopling pake tiger, per kopling nya pun pake tiger, jangan hawatir part honda cs1 masih banyak dimana mana ? salam satu HATI.
Deletemisi ,,,,,q btuh Karet vakum Karbu CS1...q bingung crnya kmn...cos pd g pnya....
Deletecek FB namanya Venantius herisulistyanto...
Deletemau tanya mas bro, apa nama konci body (dari plastik), yg untuk tutup perkakas di dalam jok dan di dantara headlamp dan stang, punya cs1 saya patah, dan utk tutup perkakas ilang, ad solusi pengganti ngg?
ReplyDeletesalam satu hati....
ReplyDeletegan cs1 saya body hancur gan terutama yg bagian depan nya,, di man ya gan yg ada jual body nya .. sao"al nya d t4 saya(sumatera barat) kagak ada yg menjual nya,, mohon info nya gan,,
Velg lebar yg cocok buat CS1 pake apa ya? Tapi tanpa harus ngutak ngatik sasis atau swing arm. Mksh sblmnya.
ReplyDeletesaya wilyah tulungagung.. misi mau tanya....untuk bisa beli tutup mesin (badong) cs1 di area tulungagung, dmn ya? trimakasih
ReplyDeleteAda yang punya radiator cs1 second tapi masih bagus? atau ada yang tahu dimana beli radiator cs1 dengan harga yang lebih ringan? mohon info nya. Thanks.
ReplyDeletesaya butuh kampas kopling cs1. tolong beri info secepatnya d mna yg stock/?
ReplyDeleteBagi yg btuh sparepart cs1,sonic,cbr ato upgrade mesin cs1 dohc , yg domisili surabaya bisa cod, yg jauh bisa kirim2.. Invite 766ea9e8 nope 085730205655 .mas didik..
Deletekampas kopling cs1 masih ada di ahass honda
Deletebisa pakai punya honda supra 125x bro..
ReplyDeletebeneran broo?? ada yang tau komunitas cs 1 purwokerto
ReplyDeleteBagi yg btuh sparepart cs1,sonic,cbr ato upgrade mesin cs1 dohc , yg domisili surabaya bisa cod, yg jauh bisa kirim2.. Invite 766ea9e8 nope 085730205655 .mas didik..
ReplyDeletejual peninggi monoshock buat cs1 ga bro?
ReplyDeletenumpang mas browww... bru bis beli cs1 2009. mohon bantuannya
ReplyDeletegan ane make cs1 nih,gimana biar bisa gabung?
ReplyDeleteane jakarta
Mlm gan ane bru pke cs1 nih . butuh knalpot ori nya mohon infonya sy di bekasi pdgde 08975933439 thx
ReplyDeleteMisi mas broo dan agan semua...
ReplyDeleteCS1 ane dah saatnya ganti piringan cakram depan nih. Tapi kesulitan nyari.
Mohon infonya untuk sekitaran solo nyarinya dimana yaa?
Atau bisa diganti punya motor model lain?
Thanx semua
Pake piringan kharisma om... sama persis atau supra x 125
Deletemisi mas bro dan para juragan.. mau nanyaa toko part diwilayah jakarta yg banyak stock buat body part cs1 dan shock depan cs1.. abis accident nih .. mohon bantuannya mas broo... terima kasih
ReplyDeleteKomunitas cs1 Jakarta Utara dimana yaaa mohon infonya
ReplyDeleteMasih aktifkan blog ini?
ReplyDeleteMau ganti body cs1 saya untuk daerah Tangerang dimana ya?
ReplyDeletemaaf suhu mau tanya kalo bengkel recomended cs one dimana ya yg wilayah jogja.. soalna abis banjir terus buat trabas sekarang sekher ya kena... trims
ReplyDeleteMs bro.. Mono sok CS1 yg ori kisaran harga brp ya ?
ReplyDeleteMs bro.. Mono sok CS1 yg ori kisaran harga brp ya ?
ReplyDeleteshock depan ane mati, ada saran part ganti nya bisa pakai apa?
ReplyDeletemau pasang sandaran jok CS1 beli di mana ya?